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Monetization Plan

For More donation info



The following reflects the Exiled Gaming Community's plan for monetizing off of the game developed by Bohemia Interactive, titled as DayZ.


All Items mentioned below are available in-game via trader or as loot too all participants, regardless of donation status


Below you will find conclusive information guiding you through the process for obtaining the amazing perks available on all of the exiled servers!


Re-skinned loadout for all Donation ranks

The Exiled Ranks



$20 donation - Hero




$50 donation - Warrior




$100 donation - Legend




$350 donation - Berserker





$500 donation - Legacy





$750 donation - Ascended




100% of the contributions that are made are put back into The Exiled by paying monthly server costs, advertising and future developments. We do not promote "pay to win" and therefore we do not offer over powered/game breaking contribution perks in any of our servers. 


All Contributions are final and are used to achieve goals within the server. All contributions are for server gain only. By contributing to the server you automatically agree with our terms of service and forfeit any PayPal disputes. All payments are final at the point of purchase. 


Due to Monetization restrictions we do not offer Priority Ques. The Exiled is Approved by respected mod and map developers for monetization use. 


Under no circumstances will items or packages be offered that are not listed above. We are anti pay to win or paying to gain any advantage including games that do not have monetization regulations.

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